Monday, April 7, 2008

The Middle East is Not a Desert

From the moment I arrived in Tel Aviv 3 months ago my preexisting conceptions of a dry and brown desert as the geography of my existence here have been proven wrong time and time again. Nothing negated these stereotypical images more than the 10 days I spent in Galilee.

I have been blessed to be here during the best climate which has definitely helped put a little more "spring" in my step. Quite literally, spring has sprung as I seem to be discovering new species of flora everyday.

The natural beauty of Galilee provided a perfect backdrop for prayer and meditation, and of course a lot of fun and learning.

For a deeper look into Galilee, here are some pictures!


Seth said...


Those pics are so beautiful. That's funny, I had the same mental picture of that place. Dryness and camels. Thanks for sharing!


Poelmans said...

That's gorgeous. Thanks for the info, I have always thought of the middle east in the same way.

Lindsy Hartsock said...

Wow, I had no idea you are such a talented photographer, those pictures are gorgeous! I am so glad you are sharing your experience! You are such an amazing, genuine, beatiful person...just so you know :)

Erin said...

wow. so gorgeous! makes me want to move there!