When I was in 6th grade, Mrs. Hall, my favorite Social Studies teacher, taught me about Petra. To me, it was the coolest idea ever - an ancient city built out of rock. For twelve years now, I've marvelled at the idea of a city just being built right into the rock where it is founded. No need to haul any huge stones, just use tools to make buildings and homes out of what you already have. What a concept, huh?
Last week in Jordan, I actually realized my 6th grade dream of seeing Petra with my own eyes. Imagine hiking through a beautiful rock landscape in southern Utah and then deciding, "Hey, let's build a city here." That's basically what it felt like. The landscape alone would be enough to attract tourists to the area, then add valley after valley of major tombs, monasteries, stadiums, a treasury, altars and homes.
And by homes, I mean caves. Traveling out of the canyon on a horse, I made friends with my bedouin guide. He was 25 years old and was literally born and raised in a cave in Petra. He has since moved into government housing just outside of Petra but he said that some nights he still hikes back into Petra and spends the night in a cave because he just likes it.
I apologize for so many references to the Eagles lately, but this is a funny side story. When my horse guide asked me where I was from, I answered California and he replied, "Ahh, California's a lovely place!" Then his friend came up and independently asked the same question. He also replied, "Oh, a lovely place!" I noticed the similar answer and then laughed when they both started singing "Hotel California" by the Eagles. I joined in and enjoyed a memorable ride out of Petra, a great ending to a great day.
I found a cool and brief (5 photos) online photo gallery of Petra from National Geographic.
I never learned about Petra in school, but wish I had. Those pictures are great!
Your blog is GREAT, Catherine. I've really appreciated your phone calls as well. Your descriptions and visits of the area make me homesick and can't help but recall our many trips there. Petra was always a highlight and the time I took the AWC group from Beirut to Petra;then rode camels down to Acaba;back up the Kings Hiway by Bus...Tanya was with me on that trip. OH the wonders of the World! Stay healthy and know we love you much. Grandma Rita
Anxiously awaiting new photos and news of the Kubitz where you are now and have been too long! Our trip there by bus was just one over night and the students helping cut the bananas were exhausted! I was amazed when I read MC's blog and saw your name on her long list...clicked on it because it was bold...and got your blog. Good to know I can jump from hers to your's. Love Grandma Rita
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